Soya is known for its health benefits, it has high protein content. Often children don't like to eat soya chunk so now its the time to give new twist to regular soya chunk. Today's recipe i will show a tasty healthy soya snack, crispy soya roll.
We have used soya chunks along with mashed potato and parceled in a dough and fried it resulting in an interesting looking soya snack.
Link to this recipe in my YouTube channel, follow the link for detailed video of the recipe also subscribe my channel.
Ata or wheat flour 1 cup
Maida or flour 1 cup
Soya chunks 1cup
Onion finely 1 medium
Green chillies finely 2-3 pieces
Potato 1medium boiled
Ginger finely 1/2 inch
Garlic 2-3 cloves chopped
Salt as per taste
Baking powder 1/2 tsp
Black cumin seed 1/2 tsp
Oil for dough 1½ tsp
Cumin powder 1 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Red chilly powder 1 tsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Amount of ingredients can be changed as per requirement.
》Outer Crust:
●Take a bowl add 1cup ata and 1 cup maida add salt, black cumin seed, baking powder, oil mix with hand first, then add little water and knead the dough very well.
》 Stuffing:
● Dry roast pepper and cumin and ground them to make roasted masala.
● Boil water and add soya chunks to boil them. Once boiled rinse them thoroughly and add them into mixer bowl to grind them.
● Now take a pan add oil, add chopped green chillies and garlic. Saute them. Add chopped onion and ginger and cook them well.
● Add smashed potato mix well. Now add grinded soya chunks.
● Add salt, roasted masala, cumin powder, red chilly powder, turmeric powder, sugar and mix them very well.
》Roll making:
● Stuffing is ready now lets make the covering. Cut the dough into small balls and press them into rotis. Rotis should be thin.
● Now add the stuffing horizontally near the upper edges or off centre, now stick water along the edge of the stuffing side hold the roti along with the stuffing and fold towards the centre.
● Seal the border along the centre in way that the stuffing remains parceled within the fold. Now on the remaining half of the roti make some vertical cut parallely, and roll the folded parcel over the cuts, seal properly and give it a bend it like letter C it will look like crescent moon.
● Prepare all the rolls in this way, then add a pan and add oil now fry the rolls. Keep the flame low to medium, and fry both side till it becomes golden brown.
● Crispy Soya Roll is ready. Serve with sauce.
Let me know how you liked the recipe.