Mocktails are non alchoholic drink. Virgin Mojito is a type of mocktail which is made with lemon soda mint leaves. Mojito without alchohol is known as Virgin mojito. Mojito is pronounced as mo-i-to. Virgin Mojito is a great refreshment in summer also can be served as opening drink.
Let us see the step by step preparation of virgin mojito, here i have shown two types of virgin mojito one normal or lemon flavored and another cola flavored. For detailed video please follow the link below also subscribe the channel.
Lemon juice 1 tbsp
Lemon pieces 1 lemon
Sugar 1tsp
Salt 1tsp
Soda or lemon flavored cold drinks
Cola flavored cold drinks
Mint leaves
Ice cubes
Amount may vary depending upon quantity.
》Take some lemon pieces, mint leaves in a bowl and crush them all together.
》Now take the crushed lemon pieces and mint leaves and put in two glasses.
》Squeeze lemon juice from 1 lemon
》Add lime juice equally in the two glasses.
》Add sugar equally in both glasses and similarly add salt in both
》Now take lots of ice cubes, you can also crush some ice but I have taken as cubes. Put cubes in both glasses and add some fresh mint leaves over the ice.
》For the usual Virgin Mojito we will add soda or any lemon flavoured or transparent cold drink in one glass.
》For Black Virgin Mojito we will add cola flavoured cold drinks in another glass.
》Mocktails Mojitos are ready to serve.
Refreshing yourself is now easy with this quick recipe of two types of Virgin Mojitos. Follow the link for YouTube video of this recipe in my channel. Also comment on this blog and reply how you find the recipe. Subscribe this website for getting notified for new posts.